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The long-awaited Hutton report and Alastair Campbell’s victory may have brought the BBC to its knees, but gloating may be premature. Support for the broadcaster is growing and the government is losing the war for the public’s trust, reports Torcuil Crichton

Mistakes can be worth making

Amidst the controversy surrounding the BBC and the Hutton report, it is important to remember that mistakes can be worth making. While Andrew Gilligan's report may have been flawed journalism, it served as a reminder of the need for critical questioning and investigation. It highlighted the importance of holding those in positions of power accountable and not simply accepting official narratives without skepticism.

The heart of the matter ... did Iraq have WMD?

The aftermath of the Hutton report has reignited the debate over the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The question of whether Iraq had WMDs is central to understanding the justification for going to war. As doubts continue to grow, it is imperative that a proper inquiry is conducted to uncover the truth and provide closure on this contentious issue.

The Credibility Gap

The fallout from the Hutton report has highlighted a credibility gap between the government and the public. Trust in the government's handling of the Iraq war has been eroded, while support for the BBC has been growing. The public values independent journalism that challenges authority and seeks to uncover the truth. It is crucial for the government to regain the public's trust and address the concerns raised by the Hutton report.

Blair’s Great Escapes

Despite the government's victory in the Hutton report, there are lingering questions about Tony Blair's leadership and decision-making. The controversy surrounding the war in Iraq and the questions over the government's credibility have created a challenging environment for Blair. As he navigates these issues, it remains to be seen how he will address the concerns raised by the Hutton report and rebuild public confidence.

What We Think: Now let’s have a proper inquiry into why we went to war with Iraq

The Hutton report may have provided some clarity on the events surrounding the BBC and Andrew Gilligan's report, but it has not resolved the broader issue of why Britain went to war with Iraq. It is crucial that a proper inquiry is conducted to examine the decision-making process, the intelligence that was used to justify the war, and the role of political figures. Only through a thorough investigation can we truly understand the motivations behind this controversial conflict.


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