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The New McCarthyism

By Ian Bell

Once he was America's other President; now Martin Sheen has been branded a traitor for his anti-war stance and faces the axe from The West Wing. But there are sinister echoes about this witch-hunt for 'un-American' stars


You don't have to win the Nobel Prize for Economics to become President of the United States. You don't have to be relentlessly decent, impossibly wise, and thoroughly noble to occupy the Oval Office. Such notions are fiction.

But some people wish, even now, that the fiction was fact. Just before George W Bush came to power, to take a case in point, American bumper stickers and badges carried the motto 'Vote Bartlet.' Ironic but defiant, they were suggesting a generally unbelievable character from a slightly believable TV show was a better bet than the Republican candidate.

Martin Sheen's President in The West Wing may have represented an impossible dream, but the contrast with Bush was compelling. It continues to resonate.

Sheen's Stand and the New McCarthyism

Sheen's record as a 'liberal' Hollywood activist, his reliable appearances at a host of demonstrations and his 70 arrests, attracted little real attention before he took command of the fictional West Wing. Now, his anti-war stance has sparked controversy and raised questions about the role of celebrities in politics.

The Debate: Celebrity Influence vs. Free Speech

One of the key questions raised in response to Sheen's stand is where famous individuals get the authority to influence the political process. Critics argue that celebrities should not abuse their status to sway public opinion.

On the other hand, supporters of Sheen and other activist celebrities argue that they have a right to free speech and should not be silenced or punished for expressing their opinions. They contend that media outlets and networks should not succumb to pressure to censor celebrities and deny them employment based on their political views.

The New Storm in Western Society: Are You Now, or Have You Ever Been, Anti-American?

Sheen's opposition to the war in Iraq has made him a target in a broader debate about patriotism and the right to dissent. Some argue that criticizing the government during wartime is equivalent to being anti-American, while others believe that dissent is a fundamental part of democracy and should be protected.

Passions run high on both sides, with supporters of the war viewing celebrities like Sheen as out of touch and disrespectful to the office of the President. Others argue that celebrities have a platform to bring attention to important issues and should use their influence for the greater good.

The Backlash against Celebrity Activism

The controversy surrounding Sheen and other activist celebrities has sparked a backlash from some Americans. Online petitions and campaigns have emerged, urging boycotts of celebrities who express anti-war sentiments or engage in political activism.

Critics of celebrity involvement in politics argue that these individuals are out of touch with everyday Americans and should not use their platforms to promote their own agendas. They contend that celebrities should stick to entertaining and leave politics to the experts.


The debate surrounding Martin Sheen and other activist celebrities raises important questions about the intersection of fame, politics, and free speech. While some argue that celebrities should stay out of politics, others maintain that they have a right to express their opinions and use their influence for social and political change.

As the controversy continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the tensions between celebrity activism and public opinion will evolve. Regardless of the outcome, it is clear that the role of celebrities in politics will remain a divisive issue in American society.

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