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Hard-line Christians call for ‘Bible Belt Britain’ - Scottish Sunday


The emergence of new militant faith groups in Britain has sparked a moral conflict between hard-line Christians and supporters of liberal values. These evangelical Christians are no longer turning the other cheek but are taking their fight to the streets in a battle against the perceived forces of immorality and decline. This article explores the recent incident where an evangelical cadre pressured a Scottish cancer charity to reject a donation from a controversial show and delves into the rise of protest culture among militant Christians in Britain.

The Controversial Donation Rejection

Last week, the evangelical group Christian Voice pressured a small Scottish cancer charity, Maggie’s Centre, into rejecting a £3000 donation from a benefit performance of the show Jerry Springer - The Opera. The charity, facing threats and potential backlash, felt compelled to decline the funds. This act of theological blackmail has caused outrage among liberals, who believe it sets a dangerous precedent.

A New Breed of Faith

These new militant Christians consider themselves defenders of the faith, determined to combat what they see as the encroachment of immorality in society. They are no longer content to remain in the shadows and are stepping into the spotlight with their fundamentalist agenda. While drawing from various small fellowships and independent organizations, these groups are rapidly becoming highly organized and well-funded campaigning machines, with an estimated annual backing of over £20 million.

The Push for Change

The new breed of Christians pushing for change in Britain is driven by a desire to halt what they see as the moral decay of society. Their agenda goes beyond opposition to media obscenity; they aim to dismantle the secular state and establish a society governed by biblical foundations. However, their harshly intolerant views on issues such as homosexuality and abortion have garnered criticism and fueled concerns about potential divisions in society.

A Growing Trend of Militancy

These new militant Christians are not the only group embracing a more confrontational approach. Society at large is experiencing a shift towards more forceful forms of protest. Traditional methods of complaint are no longer deemed sufficient in a world dominated by media-generated noise. This trend applies to causes beyond religious activism, with increased militancy becoming a necessary tool to grab attention and effect change.

Hotels Catering to Religious Groups

Catering to Specific Needs

As religious groups become more vocal and actively engage in protests and campaigns, their impact on various sectors cannot be ignored. One such sector is the hospitality industry, especially hotels that need to cater to the specific needs of religious groups.

Providing Dedicated Spaces

Hotels striving to accommodate religious groups often offer dedicated spaces for prayer and worship. These spaces may include chapels, prayer rooms, or designated areas with specific religious symbols or items. Providing these facilities allows religious groups to maintain their spiritual practices while away from their usual places of worship.

Serving Special Dietary Requirements

Religious groups often have specific dietary requirements based on their beliefs and practices. Hotels aiming to cater to these groups ensure that their menus include options that adhere to religious dietary restrictions, such as halal or kosher food, vegetarian or vegan options, and allergen-sensitive dishes. By accommodating these requirements, hotels create an inclusive environment for religious guests.

Respecting Cultural Sensitivities

Hotels catering to religious groups understand the importance of respecting cultural sensitivities. They strive to provide an atmosphere that aligns with the values and beliefs of their guests, taking into account factors such as modesty, privacy, and gender segregation when necessary. This ensures that religious guests feel comfortable and welcomed during their stay.


As religious groups, including the emerging militant Christian factions, assert their influence in public life, hotels are adapting to meet their specific needs. By providing dedicated spaces, catering to dietary requirements, and respecting cultural sensitivities, hotels can accommodate and appeal to these religious groups, creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all guests.












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