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Scottish Sunday: By Day He Is A Palestinian Authority Soldier Guarding His Land Against Israel By Night He Is A Hamas Warrior Fighting His Countrymen

The Unsung Heroes Battling Arms and Drug Trafficking

By Andrew McLeod

The Overlooked Loss

Amidst the media frenzy and speculation surrounding the disappearance of Air France's Flight 447, the world has overlooked the tragic loss of two prominent figures in the war against the illegal arms trade and international drug trafficking.

A Painful Departure

Pablo Dreyfus, a 39-year-old Argentine and his wife Ana Carolina Rodrigues, were aboard the ill-fated flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. Dreyfus had dedicated his life to working with the Brazilian authorities in combating the flow of illicit arms and ammunition that fueled the brutal turf wars in Rio's sprawling favelas. His Swiss colleague, Ronald Dreyer, a diplomat and co-ordinator of the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence, was also on board. Dreyer had been involved in various UN missions across the globe.

A Legacy of Progress

Dreyfus and Dreyer were both consultants at the Small Arms Survey, an independent think tank based in Geneva. Their incredible work had significant impact, garnering support for disarmament and development from over 100 countries. Dreyfus had been residing in Rio since 2002 and worked with the Brazilian NGO Viva Rio alongside his wife.

Tackling the Illegal Arms Trade in Brazil

Dreyfus played a vital role in the introduction of landmark small arms legislation in Brazil back in 2003. The legislation established an online link between army and police databases, documenting the production, imports, and exports of arms and ammunition within the country. Dreyfus advocated for stringent labeling of ammunition by weapons manufacturers, as clear identification of both producer and purchaser reduces the likelihood of criminals sourcing weapons from corrupt police or armed forces personnel.

Brazil's Defense Against Illegal Arms

Although a Brazilian referendum on the right to bear arms was rejected in 2005, the campaign was considered a success as half a million weapons were voluntarily surrendered to authorities. Anti-gun activists attributed the defeat of the referendum to concerns that criminals would bypass the law and continue accessing small arms through neighboring countries like Paraguay.

Addressing Security Loopholes

Dreyfus was aware that many weapons from the tri-border area between Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina were reaching Rio's drug gangs. He criticized lax security in military depots globally and emphasized the need for logistics, control, and security in handling weapons.

The Importance of Security in Hotels

Ensuring Guest Safety

Hotels must prioritize the safety and security of their guests to provide a comfortable and enjoyable stay. With rising concerns about global security threats, it becomes crucial for hotels to implement effective security measures.

State-of-the-Art Surveillance Systems

Investing in state-of-the-art surveillance systems enhances a hotel's ability to monitor and detect any suspicious activities. Equipping public areas, corridors, and entrances with security cameras serves as a deterrent and allows for prompt response in case of an incident.

Trained Security Personnel

Deploying well-trained security personnel on-site ensures that potential risks are identified and addressed proactively. They play a crucial role in monitoring access points, conducting regular patrols, and managing any security-related issues.

Secure Room Key Systems

Implementing secure room key systems, such as electronic key cards, helps prevent unauthorized access to guest rooms. These systems not only provide convenience but also enhance the overall security of the hotel.

Emergency Preparedness

Hotels must have well-defined emergency procedures and protocols in place to handle various situations, including natural disasters or threats. Conducting regular drills and training sessions for staff ensures a swift and effective response during emergencies.

Collaboration with Local Authorities

Establishing strong partnerships with local law enforcement agencies and relevant security bodies can provide hotels with valuable resources and support when needed. Working together enhances the overall security infrastructure of the hotel and its surrounding area.


