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Book lending falls 30% as libraries turn to technology - [Scottish Sunday]

Memorial plan for terrorist group sparks fresh row over France’s colonial history

A group representing OAS veterans has won authorization from the right-wing mayor of Marignane, a town a few miles outside Marseille on the Mediterranean coast, to unveil a bronze statue dedicated to "fighters shot by firing squad or otherwise killed so that French Algeria could live".

The OAS and its Controversial Legacy

The Secret Armed Organisation (OAS), a diehard French group that resorted to terrorism almost 50 years ago to prevent Algerian independence from France, continues to fuel debate about the country's colonial past. Responsible for numerous Algerian deaths in the run-up to independence in 1962, the OAS sought vengeance against President Charles de Gaulle. The planned inauguration of a memorial to four executed members of the OAS has triggered criticism from various groups.

An Ongoing Struggle for Historical Recognition

The Association for the Defence of Former Prisoners and Exiles of French Algeria (Adimad) hopes to hold a ceremony in Marignane's cemetery to remember those who fought for "French Algeria." However, the event has faced opposition from left-wingers, Gaullists, Algerian immigrants, and other critics who believe it represents the rehabilitation of a dark chapter in French history.

Divisions and Contemplations

The controversy surrounding the memorial reflects the deep-seated grievances among the million pieds-noirs, French inhabitants of Algeria, who fled to France upon Algerian independence. Many of them feel betrayed by de Gaulle and believe their suffering and the repression faced during OAS-organised demonstrations have been overlooked. The row over the memorial comes against the backdrop of a new law that some claim is an attempt to rewrite France's colonial history by ignoring its darker elements.

Implications and Reactions

While those in favor of the memorial argue for recognition of the sacrifices made by the OAS, critics fear the passage of time is being manipulated to present a distorted version of events. The controversy has heightened due to recent legislation that seeks to sanitize France's colonial history. Academics and left-wing groups have condemned the law, leading to widespread debate and protests.

Book Lending and the Rise of Technology

A Decline in Traditional Libraries

In recent years, there has been a significant decline in book lending as libraries increasingly turn to technology. With the rise of digital platforms and e-books, more people are opting for online reading and convenient access to a wide range of materials.

The Growing Power of Online Platforms

Online platforms, such as e-book lending services and digital libraries, have become increasingly popular among readers. These platforms offer a vast collection of books that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, without the need to visit a physical library. The convenience and flexibility provided by technology have transformed the way people engage with books.

The Benefits of Technology in the Reading Experience

Technology has opened up new possibilities for readers, allowing them to explore diverse genres and discover authors from around the world. E-books have also made reading more accessible to a wider audience, including those with visual impairments who can now use assistive technologies to enjoy literature.

Adapting to the Changing Landscape

As libraries face the challenge of declining book lending, many are adapting to the changing landscape by incorporating digital resources into their offerings. This includes providing access to e-books, audiobooks, and online databases. By embracing technology, libraries can continue to serve their communities and promote literacy in the digital age.



