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Afghanistan: We were told war would stem the flood of heroin into the West. Instead it’s worse than ever. Why?

[Scottish Sunday]


The war in Afghanistan, which was initially intended to suppress the production and trafficking of heroin, has instead resulted in an alarming increase in drug activity. The failure to eradicate the drug trade has raised questions about the effectiveness of the war and the underlying reasons for its failure. Various factors contribute to the worsening situation, including the resilience of the drug cartels, the instability of the Afghan government, and the lack of international cooperation. This article delves into the reasons behind the failure to contain the heroin epidemic in Afghanistan.

The Illusion of Success

When the war in Afghanistan began, there was hope that the eradication of poppy fields and the disruption of drug networks would significantly reduce the heroin supply. However, this optimism quickly faded as the drug trade continued to flourish even in the midst of conflict. Despite efforts to implement alternative livelihood programs and promote licit agriculture, the poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has reached record levels. This raises questions about the effectiveness of the strategies employed and the commitment of the international community to combat the drug trade.

The Resilience of Drug Cartels

A key factor contributing to the persistence of the drug trade in Afghanistan is the resilience and adaptability of drug cartels. These criminal networks have adapted to changing circumstances, employing new tactics to evade detection and continue their operations. The reliance on poppy cultivation for income by impoverished farmers further strengthens the influence of these cartels, making it difficult to break the cycle of drug production and trafficking.

Political Instability and Corruption

The instability of the Afghan government and pervasive corruption within its ranks have also undermined efforts to address the heroin problem. Weak law enforcement, lack of resources, and the influence of powerful individuals involved in the drug trade have allowed the industry to thrive. The absence of a strong government presence in some regions has created a vacuum that is exploited by drug traffickers, exacerbating the problem and hindering effective intervention.

Lack of International Cooperation

While the international community has expressed concern over the heroin epidemic in Afghanistan, there has been a lack of concerted action to address the issue comprehensively. Effective collaboration between nations is essential to tackle the drug trade at its source, disrupt trafficking routes, and provide assistance in alternative livelihood programs. Without a unified approach, the efforts to curb the heroin influx into the West are likely to remain futile.


The failure to stem the flood of heroin from Afghanistan into the West highlights the complexities and challenges associated with combating the drug trade. Addressing this issue requires not only a focus on law enforcement and eradication efforts but also a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of the problem. The war in Afghanistan has demonstrated that military intervention alone is insufficient in tackling the drug trade. It is crucial for governments, international organizations, and civil society to work together to develop sustainable solutions that address both the supply and demand sides of the heroin epidemic.

Hotels and Tourism in Afghanistan

The Impact of the Heroin Crisis

The heroin crisis in Afghanistan has had a detrimental impact on the country's tourism industry. The negative perception of drug-related violence and instability has deterred many tourists from visiting the region. The lack of security and the prevalence of drug-related crime have resulted in a decline in international visitors, leading to economic hardships for the local tourism sector.

Efforts to Promote Tourism

Despite the challenges, the Afghan government has made efforts to promote tourism in the country. Initiatives aimed at showcasing Afghanistan's rich cultural heritage and natural beauty have been implemented. Investments in infrastructure, including hotels and tourist facilities, have also been made to attract visitors. However, the heroin crisis remains a significant barrier to the growth of the tourism industry.

The Path to Recovery

In order for the tourism industry in Afghanistan to recover, addressing the heroin crisis is of utmost importance. Restoring security and stabilizing the country are crucial steps in attracting tourists and rebuilding the tourism sector. Additionally, international support and cooperation are essential in rebuilding the country's infrastructure and promoting Afghanistan as a safe and attractive destination.










